A Public Cervix Announcement
A cervix. All us menstruators know we have one, but if you’re like me, you may not know a ton about it! Usually the ovaries and the uterus get the most attention when talking about our periods, so I wanted to shine some light on the wonders of the cervix!

Where is your cervix?
Your cervix is the lower, narrow end of the uterus that connects to the vagina. During your menstrual cycle, the position and height of your cervix can change. This is because the cervix is affected by hormonal fluctuations and can become softer, higher, or more open during ovulation, and harder, lower, or more closed during your period.
Cervical position and height can be an indicator of fertility, as they can change during the menstrual cycle in response to hormonal changes. During ovulation, the cervix will typically be higher, softer, and more open, making it easier for sperm to enter the uterus and fertilize an egg. During your period, the cervix will typically be lower, harder, and more closed, making it more difficult for sperm to enter the uterus.
It’s worth noting that every woman’s menstrual cycle and cervix is unique, and it is not always possible to use cervical position or height as a reliable indicator of fertility. However, tracking cervical position and height can be a useful tool for understanding your menstrual cycle and trying to conceive.
Check in on your Cervix!
One way to track cervical position is by doing a cervix check. This involves feeling the cervix with your fingers to determine its position and texture. To do a cervix check, wash your hands and then insert your middle finger into your vagina. You should be able to feel the cervix at the back of your vagina, near the top. The cervix should feel firm and round, like the tip of your nose.
You can also check the cervical height by measuring the distance from the cervix to the vaginal opening. If the cervix is high, it will be farther away from the vaginal opening, and if it is low, it will be closer to the vaginal opening.
The cervix can have different positions and height depending on a woman’s menstrual cycle. This means that during ovulation, the cervix will be high, soft, and open, making it easier for sperm to enter the uterus and fertilize an egg. During your period, the cervix will be lower and harder than usual. This is because the cervix is closed to prevent menstrual blood from flowing out of the uterus and into the vagina. Additionally, the cervix will be less receptive to sperm during your period, which is why it is considered a less fertile time in the menstrual cycle.
Period Products & Cervical Height
If your period products don’t take into account your cervical height, you could experience extreme discomfort!
For those of us with a lower cervix, use shorter tampons or pads. If you use a menstrual cup, try a smaller size like a Pixie Teen, a Pixie Small or a Pixie Slim Small. If you have a low cervix with a heavier flow, try our Pixie Disc! These are shorter products that won’t push or rub against your cervix after they’re inserted.
If you have a high cervix, you could get away with a super tampon. But if you’re committed to sustainable menstrual products, try our Pixie Large, Pixie Extra Large, or our Pixie Slim Large. These cups are longer making it easier to reach the stem when you’re ready to remove the cup. Or, check out our Pixie Disc with a stem for easy removal.

Use code ATYOURCERVIX for 10% off a cervix-loving period product.
Cervical position and height can change for various reasons other than ovulation such as pregnancy, infection, and certain medical conditions. So it’s always best to consult with your doctor if you notice any unusual changes in cervical position or height.
The cervix is an important part of the female reproductive system and plays a crucial role in fertility. Tracking cervical position and height during your menstrual cycle can be a useful tool for understanding your menstrual cycle and trying to conceive. However, it’s important to remember that every woman’s menstrual cycle and cervix is unique, and it’s not always possible to use cervical position or height as a reliable indicator of fertility. Additionally, it is always best to consult with your doctor if you notice any unusual changes in cervical position or height.