Meet Our Team

It’s time to see the faces behind the mission! We are a team of individuals
who dream big, work hard, and have fun along the way!



Hey Pixie Squad, I'm Amber and I just wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart, I am filled with gratitude and I’m more excited every day as I see women around the world experiencing period freedom because of this company. It’s such a dream come true!

My brother Benjamin and I started Pixie Cup after I spent some time traveling around the world, and saw a desperate need for reusable period products. It broke my heart that women were not able to go to school or work for days each month, just because they were female and had a menstrual cycle. I was not going to let that continue if I had anything to do with it! I was an amateur boxer in college and even though my days in the ring are long done, I’m still a fighter at heart. Pixie Cup is my way of fighting for period freedom for women all around the world!

I am absolutely an adrenaline junkie who is always looking for the next rush. My most recent hobby is skateboarding and I recently turned our family’s haybarn into a skateboarding adventure zone. It’s SO COOL! I also love snowboarding and my biggest bucket list item right now is to go heliboarding.



Hey everybody, I’m Benjamin! You’re probably wondering “Umm, how and why is a dude a co-founder of a feminine hygiene company!?” I’m still wondering the same thing. You would not believe the looks and faces I get when people ask me what I do.

It may surprise you to learn that I actually love what I do. I am blessed to be part of a movement that is impacting lives all around the world and love seeing the difference that Pixie Cup is making in so many lives. My sister and I have a blast leading a team of people who go above and beyond what we could expect or imagine. We couldn’t do this without them and I’m truly grateful for the team we have around us.

I love business and real estate, that’s all I do now aside from the super fun – probably also stupid – activities I enjoy. I skydive and love spearfishing. My next fish is a Marlin, or maybe I’ll decide to try spearing a Tuna. I’m an avid skier and Amber has recently dragged me into skateboarding, which to my surprise I’m really enjoying. Above all, I love Jesus. He’s completely changed my life and I give Him the glory for all I do.


Social Media Ninja

Also known as “official problem solver,” Jill is literally our voice + presence when there is any sort of issue. She’s your gal! When she’s not busy saving the world, you’ll find her planning her next adventure of #vanlife. She refabbed her 2008 Acura MDX to fit a twin bed and storage. (it’s pretty darn cool)
Fun facts: Jill cooked three meals a day for her family at the age of eight.

Her favorite flower is a sunflower because they follow the sun, they make food, and they are happy and bright… kinda like her!


Inventory Manager + Rockstar

Jessamie is not just a fan of dreaming but she is also working hard to make her dreams reality! After Pixie Cup projects are completed, you can find her having fun with her kids, cooking + eating all things Filipino, or planning with her husband what’s next for their family. Jessamie loves to day dream about trips + vacations for the future — right now her hands are full! She has two young kids and is currently in the middle of getting her Master’s degree in Mathematics Education. You could say she’s Super Mom.

Jessamie loves to catch quiet moments but sitting on their terrace and people watching with a cup of coffee… This makes her feel gratitude for all the blessings God’s given them.


Lead Customer Service Hero

Natalie is currently living her dream of being a stay-at-home mom of 3! When she’s not cooking, or cleaning or playing with cars, she’s reading a good book or playing her mandolin. She spent most of her teen and young adult years playing bluegrass music and working as a prep cook at an old-fashioned soda fountain. Natalie is passionate about educating women about pregnancy & childbirth, and is currently working towards becoming a Certified Childbirth Educator and Doula. She loves spending time with family, playing music, and spending time in God’s Creation outdoors.

Hannah C.

Product Designer Extraordinaire

Hannah is always ready to help with whatever the customer needs — that includes finding the correct cup size, returns, refunds, or anything else!

Hannah is a military spouse so her life is always full of surprises and never boring. She is always ready for an adventure, whether she likes it or not! She loves spending time outside with her husband and 2 kids — going for walks, riding bikes, landscaping, or simply enjoying nature. Hannah loves the fact that she can take her work outside and is often responding to customers’ emails while sitting in her backyard and watching her kids play.

Kayla M.

Product Compliance & Content Manager

If you’ve read the Pixie emails, SMS updates or… well, anything lately, Kayla probably wrote them. She is a mom of three who is passionate about empowering women. Kayla and her husband Skyler enjoy hiking, fishing, going to concerts, traveling to visit family, and eating delicious food.

She doesn’t leave her house without her planner, a theology or philosophy book, and her favorite pens. Kayla cares deeply about holistic wellness of spirit, soul, and body and being good stewards of creation.


SILO Manager

Jen is an incredibly organized Enneagram 1! (IYKYK) She is in charge of our warehouse and managing stock both physically and by keeping our books. Jen is a wife and mother of one who enjoys traveling, hiking, mountain biking, and reading. Oh and she also loves to bake!

She became passionate about menstrual health in 2016 when her best friend gave her her first menstrual cup and helped her get over her fear of using it. Jen has been giving away menstrual cups, encouraging friends who were on the fence, and touting the benefits of cups ever since! And most importantly, she is passionate about following Christ and showing His love to others.

Katie B.

Sales & Marketing Manager

Katie is living the absolute dream, working from home while she cares for her family. Her main priorities are faith and family. Every morning, she rises with a cup of coffee, her Bible, and journal. She has two beautiful children and lives on a hobby farm! Can you say alpaca? When she’s not working on Pixie Cup projects, she’s probably loving on her kiddos, feeding the animals, drinking coffee, or writing in her journal. Being an Enneagram 5, she’s often lost in thought and contemplating the mysteries of life. Being introverted, she enjoys quiet time to herself and time to reflect on decisions.

Katie is extremely passionate about women’s health and childbirth/pregnancy education. Being part of the Pixie Cup team is a dream-come-true, and she can’t wait to see what God has in store for her and her family. 


Customer Service Superstar

Alexis (aka Lex) is in her “MOM ERA” with three beautiful babies that keep her on the move. When she’s not playing barbies, changing diapers, or going on adventures with her husband, he loves to connect with others around her over a yummy cup of coffee. Alexis is also in the process of pursuing her Family and Human Development degree and will soon venture into securing a Family and Marriage therapy license. Above all, Lex loves the Lord and is excited for all of life’s adventures.


Product Marketing Specialist

Jendaya finds joy in creating art and meaningful moments, having fun in the great outdoors, and serving others. These are all rooted in her joy for the Lord! Her perfect day includes putting on her ol’ cowboy boots, getting messy in a clay studio, exploring some new woods, with hopefully a surprise waterfall at the end, and, of course, a sweet treat (YUM!). When she’s not lost listening to the birds, admiring the trees, and watching the clouds, she loves spending time with her friends and family. They light up her world!! Though she has many hobbies, if she had to choose one for the rest of her life it would probably be snowboarding… or biking; she can never make up her mind because there are just too many EPIC things to do in life!

All in all she is excited to be a part of Pixie’s mission and getting to use her talents to love and serve everyone involved, including YOU!