10 ways to get outside in 2020

The last few weeks of December typically have people setting resolutions and goals. Our minds are pondering on what’s next or what we can accomplish! It’s a fresh slate.

Here at Pixie Cup, we all have a love for the outdoors… in a big way! Studies show that people are happier, healthier, less depressed and less anxious if they spend even an hour every day outside. Sign me up!

What if you had period protection that had your back in any circumstance or adventure you went on? Have you tried a menstrual cup yet? A menstrual cup is a reusable silicone product that holds menses in the vaginal canal for up to 12 hours. Can you imagine the expeditions you could do with complete freedom?

We have a fantastic giveaway happening on our Instagram and Facebook put together with you in mind! Everything you need to live limitlessly and get outside in 2020. Check it out and be sure to enter and share!

Here are some ideas to get us out of our rut and off the couch in 2020:

First Day Hike

This may not be new to our readers who are avid hikers, but First Day Hikes are a thing! Hiking on New Years Day regardless of where you are or what climate. Grab the backpack! There are listings of parks and groups participating so be sure to get social!


Letterboxing is Geocaching’s little cousin. GPS isn’t needed, just the list of hints and clues to lead you to the treasure! If you head to their website, you can add your zip code or location anywhere and you’ll receive the closest clue! Here’s how it works: Someone hides a box, maybe under a log in the forest or tucked into a crack in an old stone wall. Inside the box, the hider places a rubber stamp and a notebook. Use your notebook like a passport and collect stamps wherever you go.

Gear, gear, gear

Nothing will make an experience worse than being improperly geared up. And to the opposite effect, nothing will make an event better than being adequately equipped! (Even on your period!) Do your homework and read reviews. If it’s a new sport or activity for you, try places like Facebook Marketplace or local thrift stores or sports resale outlets. You can buy trade-in gear and equipment for next to nothing or from someone who’s just storing it in their garage!

Plan your vacation with intention

Researching where to go on your next vacation? Look up places known for the best surf, the most rewarding hike or the coolest multi-day kayak trip around. There are tons of resources on how to build your trip around what you want it to be! Check out Journy.com for the modern-day travel planner.

Go to a MeetUp

Flying solo most of the time? Try a MeetUp! You can do almost any social activity on a MeetUp including filtering by skill and experience level. It’s a great way to meet people, interact in your community and get your feet wet in something you’ve wanted to try!


Are you an avid yogi? The serenity of the studio is wonderful, but come spring and summer, swap the studio for yoga in the park or on the beach. See what your studio or a studio near you has to offer during the warmer months. Nothing better than grounding yourself touching the earth under the sun!

Visit a national park

They are national parks for a reason! Well-protected pieces of land, these gems are preserving everything beautiful that lays inside. In going to a national park, you’re stepping back in time in some sense because it’s virtually untouched.

Start a garden

Do you have a green thumb? If so, you probably can’t imagine life without plants. If you’ve never tried gardening of any kind, you should! Start small. Go to the library and look up container gardens. Start a Pinterest board. Get herb plants at your local grocery store and cluster them on your kitchen window sill! Get your hands in the dirt, water it and watch it grow.

Do something that scares you

This is a big one. Think of something you’re afraid of or uncertain about trying, but deep down you’ve always sort of wondered about. It’s calling to you! With each hard thing you do, you build confidence in yourself and you build a pretty great memory.

Change your mindset

Now anyone in the northern hemisphere in January is likely scratching their head at some of these activities and writing them off until spring. Love every day and appreciate it for what it is: warm or freezing cold! Gear up, get out and enjoy it! For every summer sport, there is a winter equivalent of some sort.

Swap swimming for ice skating, gardening for a nature walk after a fresh snow. Instead of waterskiing, hit the slopes! It’s all about our mindset, and our Norweigan friends know it best during their 6 months of darkness and winter! Check out this write up on Norway and how they shift their thinking in some simple ways to enjoy even the darkest and coldest months.

How do you get outdoors on a regular basis? Share your ideas with us!

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” -Helen Keller

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