Should you steam or boil your menstrual cup?
Which is better, steaming or boiling your menstrual cup? Does it matter? It really comes down to which one is more convenient for you. Not sure which one you prefer? Keep reading!
First, we want to start out by telling you a little about menstrual cup cleaning. It’s so important to keep your cup sparkling clean at all times because your vaginal canal is one of the most sensitive parts of the body.
There are two different things you should do each cycle to keep your menstrual cup clean: clean your cup between each use, and sanitize your cup before and after your cycle.

1. Cleaning
Cleaning is a quick clean or rinse (here’s a DIY recipe for a quick and easy menstrual cup rinse) of your cup when you empty it.
Once a day, you should wash your cup with soap and water. Each time you empty your cup, you should wipe it out with a Pixie Wipe or give it a quick rinse under warm water.
Out in public? No problem! Learn how to clean your cup in a public restroom.
2. Sanitizing
Sanitizing is completely different than cleaning, but equally important! Before and after each cycle — both when you get your menstrual cup out for your period and when you put it away again — you need to make sure all bacteria is removed from your cup. This keeps your cup clean and stain free. It also helps prevent odors.
There are two different ways you can sanitize your cup. The most common method is boiling your cup, but many cup users find that they prefer steaming. They both do the same thing, so the best option for you just depends on which one you prefer!
Why do you have to boil your menstrual cup?
Boiling your menstrual cup sanitizes it and makes it safe to use. Any time you put a foreign object into your body, there’s a chance you could be exposing yourself to bacteria. Infections from menstrual cups are rare, as long as you use your cup correctly and clean it properly. Boiling your cup before and after every cycle, and washing it between uses, will help keep bacteria at bay.
It’s also important to wash your hands before inserting or removing your cup. You’re more likely to get an infection from bacteria on your hands than from the cup itself.
How often should you boil your menstrual cup?
Boil your menstrual cup twice a month: when you get it out at the start of your cycle, and when your period is finished.
How long should you boil your menstrual cup?
We recommend boiling your cup for about 10 minutes. If you boil your cup for too long, it could cause the silicone to thin and soften over time.
How to boil your cup
Simply put a pot of water on the stove to boil and turn it to high. When it reaches a boil, insert your cup. Make sure there’s enough water to completely cover your cup. Some cup users like to put their cup inside a whisk to keep it from touching the sides of the pot. If you don’t like the idea of using a pot that you cook with, consider buying a small pot to use just for this purpose.

It’s a good idea to stay close to your cup and keep an eye on it while it boils. You might be tempted to wander off and do other things, but we’ve heard stories of people who left their cup on the stove and forgot about it! If this happens, you could burn your cup and ruin it. If you do need to walk away, set the timer on the stove so you don’t forget to come back.
Can you boil your menstrual cup in the microwave?
Many people like the idea of boiling their menstrual cup in the microwave. Using a microwave is often more convenient, especially if you’re living in a dorm room or otherwise don’t have access to a stove.
The answer is yes … sort of. You can sterilize your menstrual cup with water that’s been boiled in the microwave. Don’t put the cup itself in the microwave, or it could damage it.
Fill a large mug with water – not too full or else it could boil over – and put it in the microwave. When the water has reached a boiling point, take it out and drop your cup in. Make sure your cup is submerged and leave it for a few minutes.
Our Pixie Cup sterilizing container was made just for this purpose! It’s collapsible, so it’s discreet and easy to store. It’s also microwave safe. Simply fill it with water and place it in the microwave for a few minutes. Or, you can plan your menstrual cup in the cup and pour boiling water over it. Your cup will emerge sparkling clean and germ-free!

Steaming your cup

Steaming is a relatively new option for menstrual cups. While it has been used for quite some time now to sterilize other silicone products, steaming is new to the menstrual cup world!
Steaming is a hassle-free way to remove 99.9% of germs from your menstrual cup. Our Pixie Cup Steamer makes sterilizing your cup easy!
Steaming your cup has several advantages over boiling. For starters, you don’t have to use your cookware to sterilize your cup. In fact, you don’t have to take your cup into the kitchen at all! This is especially great if you share a house with other people and you don’t love the idea of them seeing your menstrual cup on the stove. The steamer has the appearance of a small humidifier or diffuser, and can be tucked away in the corner of your bathroom counter when not in use.
When it’s time to sterilize your cup, simply place it in the steamer with 5ml of water, replace the cover, and push the button. Your cup will be sanitized in 1-3 minutes while you put on your makeup or brush your teeth. No more worrying about burning your cup if you forget about it on the stove! The more water you add to the steamer, the longer it will run.
The next time you get your period, pop your cup back into the steamer, and it’ll be good to go.
Want to try steaming your cup? Order your Pixie Cup Steamer now and receive FREE shipping on orders of $25 or more!

This content was originally written on July 2, 2019, and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.