How to break it to your guy that you use a menstrual cup

So, you bought a Pixie Cup and decided that you’re sold FOR LIFE! Ain’t nobody gonna take that period freedom away from you! {ohhhh snap} ????‍♀️

So now that you’ve made that life-changing decision, the time has come to break it to your dreamy, perfect, and totally oblivious guy that you use a menstrual cup.

menstrual cup boyfriend

You have two options:

Option A: Let him find the cup on his own, give a quick explanation and awkwardly launch into a conversation about periods.

Option B: Tell it to him straight.

If you chose Option A, we wish you good luck and would love to laugh at the story with you later! But if you chose Option B… we are here to help!

Without further ado… here are some tips to help you break it to your guy that you use a menstrual cup.

Choose the time wisely

You’re probably going to have a moment where your period is in full power, and your emotions are running high. This is probably the worst time to tell your man that you use a menstrual cup! If you’re like me, when you’re on your period any well-meant words can be taken the wrong way. Set aside some time to talk to your guy when he is feeling really comfortable in your relationship. Chances are, he will be thrilled to see you embracing new ideas and living in freedom!

Be confident!

Your guy is probably going to be excited about anything that makes you happy and enhances your quality of life! If you are thrilled about your Pixie Cup, let him know! Tell him why you’re excited, and how it can affect your relationship for the better! Guys love to be active and have fun with their favorite person. Your man will be so excited to learn that you can now run, swim, hike, and live in freedom, even on your period.

Be understanding

Guys really get hit hard in our culture these days. Without getting too political here, we want all people, male and female, to feel loved and empowered to live fully. The truth is your husband or boyfriend may really be open-minded and excited to learn about your Pixie Cup. There is a possibility, though, that he will be a little uncomfortable with the topic, and that’s okay! You should never feel like your period is something to be ashamed of at any point, but it’s okay for guys to have time to adjust to the period conversation. Since they don’t have periods, men might feel intimidated by the idea of a cup at first (like maybe you did too), but as you kindly help them to understand what you are going through during menstruation, they will soon learn how to love you better through it.

Have you told your guy that you use a Pixie Cup? Share your story in the comments!

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