The ten-second answer to all of your period cup questions!

The Internet is a fantastic place but sometimes it gets bogged down with fluff. How can you find good answers to your menstrual cup questions without wading through the thick mire of Google results?

Answer: Read this blog post. Today, we are giving you the 10-second answer to all of the frequently asked questions we receive and if 10 seconds isn’t enough, we’ll direct you to a post that answers your question in detail! If you can’t find your question here, submit it to us in a message on Facebook or Instagram, or in the comments below and we will get back to you right away!

First, let’s talk about period cup basics.

How a menstrual cup works:

The menstrual cup is a dream come true. It is a small, silicone cup that is pliable and soft. Cup users insert it into the vaginal canal where it creates a seal within the vaginal walls and catches menstrual flow. It must be emptied and cleaned every 12 hours and sanitized before and after each period to prevent infection. It can hold much more fluid than a tampon and is reusable for 10 years.

Why menstrual cups are better than tampons and pads

Everything else. Yep, we’re confident in that. Tampons can cause TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) because they break down and can leave fragments inside for bacteria to feed on. Plus, their rough texture can cause small scrapes in the skin to allow that bacteria to enter your body. Tampons and pads are both messy, cause massive amounts of waste, and often contain harmful chemicals that come in contact with the most sensitive part of your body.

Menstrual cups are clean, reusable, easy to sanitize, and completely free of harmful chemicals. Cup users can easily prevent TSS by cleaning AND sanitizing the cup regularly… more on that below!

Which menstrual cup should I get?

Lots of people wonder which menstrual cup is best for them. The answer is difficult to find because it depends on your unique needs. We created this blog post to help you sort through which Pixie Cup is the right choice for you based on your menstrual flow, whether you’re first-time cup user, and more.

Can a menstrual cup cause thrush?

The answer to all questions of this nature is a resounding no… as long as you clean it well and are careful which products you use to clean it. The medical-grade silicone cup does not harbor yeast, in fact, it is the best period cup you care product you can use if you have a yeast overgrowth. Just make sure you are cleaning your cup with warm water and a gentle, natural cleanser each time you use it, and sanitizing it before and after each period. Also, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly before inserting or removing your cup and be very careful to empty your cup every twelve hours. If you are having an uncomfortable reaction to your cup even after a thorough cleaning, try using a different cup cleanser in case that could be causing irritation.

Can a menstrual cup cause TSS?

Toxic Shock Syndrome, or TSS, is caused by an overgrowth of Staph bacteria which can occur in wounds as well. If the bacteria enters your body, this can be potentially very dangerous, even fatal. Menstrual cups, when emptied every 12 hours or less and cleaned thoroughly are a wonderful way to prevent TSS because they do not disintegrate or cause small breaks in the skin (due to dryness) like tampons. That being said, if you leave your menstrual cup in for several days, bacteria can build up inside the cup and can cause a serious problem. Read this article to learn more on how you can prevent TSS as a menstrual cup user.

Are menstrual cups safe?

Yes! Pixie Cups are very safe to use because they are created from medical-grade silicone which is a non-toxic material used to make safe baby bottle nipples, teething toys, and is used in hospitals as well. At the risk of sounding repetitive, we do recommend that you wash your hands thoroughly before inserting or removing your cup, and keep your cup clean and sanitized.

Are menstrual cups messy?

The answer to this question is yes and no. We have found that once a cup user gets used to the insertion and removal process, they are able to empty and rinse their cup with little to no mess! In fact, some would say it is less messy than a tampon or a pad because the menstrual fluid is contained in the cup and emptied into the toilet, instead of sitting against your body all day (pad) or filling your trash can with dirty tampons! That being said, if you struggle with the sight of menstrual fluid, this could include an adjustment period (pun intended) to feel comfortable with your cup.

Can a menstrual cup get stuck?

Many first-time menstrual cup users have the fear of losing your cup in the great abyss that is the vaginal canal! Thankfully, this is not possible! Your vaginal canal is like a dead-end street, starting at the opening and ending at your cervix. Your cup cannot physically enter your cervix and end up in the great unknown, so don’t worry about that for a second! However, your menstrual cup is designed to sit lower in your vaginal canal, below your cervix, to catch all fluid. What can happen is your cup can suction itself to your cervix if it gets too high in your vaginal canal, and it can lift beyond your reach. If this happens to you, don’t panic! We asked a medical professional for his advice on rescuing a suctioned cup and shared his insights with you in this blog post!

Will a menstrual cup stretch me out?

Your vaginal canal is a flexible yet strong place. It is designed to allow an entire baby to pass through it and return to its natural shape! (Amazing, right? Our bodies are created to be so beautifully resilient!) Your little menstrual cup will not stretch your vaginal opening, and you can fold it to be the same size at insertion point as a regular tampon. There is one small portion of your body that could stretch or break when you use a menstrual cup, however, and that is your hymen. What most people don’t realize is the hymen can break or stretch when you complete any number of normal activities such as riding a bike! If you are concerned about this issue, feel free to read our full blog post on virginity and menstrual cups!

We hope this blog post was helpful to you as you sort through the many questions that come in every woman’s menstrual cup journey!

If you feel like you’re ready to try a menstrual cup, you can purchase yours here or click here to decide which Pixie Cup will fit you just right!

Again, if you have any questions at all, feel free to leave them in the comments or send us a message on social media! We will get back to you as soon as we can!

Keep living free!

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